Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Een Introductie (An Introduction)

In West Philadelphia born and raised; on the playground is where I spent most of my days…. Wait, that wasn’t me.  My name is Bethany Cox, and yes, I go by Bethany not Beth.  I was actually born and raised in the grand old state of Texas where the stars at night are big and bright.  I moved to Minnesota at the age of 14 and my parents had to drag me kicking and screaming. Within no time at all I had more friends in my new state than I ever had growing up.  In some ways I am still that 14-year-old girl, digging my heels in at the first glimpse of change.  No matter my apprehensions before coming here, I think that my trip across the ocean will be similar to my trip across the U.S.  When it comes down to it, I won’t be able to imagine my life without taking this adventure.
The first week here, I swear I had walked onto a movie set.  I walked around half expecting to have magically learned Dutch just by walking into the country.  Then I realized that I couldn’t read any of the signs.  Luckily the bathroom signs at Hema depict a person clearly in need of a bathroom with their knees pressed together.  The food is a whole different story.  It seems that everything is some form of mashed ingredients made into a spread in which no one really knows the real ingredients; delicious but suspicious.  Going to a snack bar isn’t much better.  When asking what is inside some kind of pastry the attendant simply replies “meat”.  Thank goodness I stopped being vegan before I came here, otherwise I would surely starve!
I’m actually in this lovely country of mashed meats and bicycles to study film during the CAVI semester and to work here at Buro302 with the Audio Visuals team.  I have always loved film for as long as I can remember, but didn’t think about starting a career in the film industry until I graduated from high school.  Even then, it was more of a far off dream than anything substantial.  I signed up to be a Film Studies Minor when I enrolled at MSU Mankato; I didn’t have a major yet, but I knew I wanted to study film.  Now, here I am half way across the world going to school and working all because of that dream.  Who knows what will come next!
Last fall I took an Intro to Film Production class at MSU.  Now, I had never made a film on my own before, the most I had ever done was hold a boom mic in a river and star as an extra.  Well, turns out I had a knack for it, at least for a beginner.  If I could only make one type of video for the rest of my life, it would definitely be music videos.  I tend to connect more with music and can visualize scenes much more easily from a few bars of music than a whole book of text.  That being said, I am very eager to step outside my comfort zone, both professionally and personally in order to learn and most importantly, grow. Let's start this adventure!

Here's an example of the work I've done so far since being at HAN:

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